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The IP Address Lookup tool also referred to as IP Lookup, Lookup IP, Lookup IP Address, IP Address Location, IP Location, and IP Locator is designed to give you an idea of where your IP Address or the IP Address you lookup is located. This tool is not 100% accurate due to many different factors. Some of those factors include where the owner of the IP has it registered, where the agency that controls the IP is located, proxies, cellular IPs, etc. If you are in the US and the controlling agency of the IP is located in Canada, chances are the IP address lookup results will show as Canada. Showing a Canadian IP while in the US is very common among Blackberry users on the Verizon network.
The results of this IP Address Lookup utility include the IP Address, City, Host Name, Region / State, Postal / Zip Code, Country Name, Country Code, Time Zone, Longitude, Latitude, ISP, Domain Name, Net Speed, and IP Decimal.
Often, people think if they perform and IP address lookup, that they are going to find the physical mailing address of the user assigned the IP in question. This is simply not true. At this time, we are not aware of any IP address database that will give you the exact physical postal address of the IP address you lookup. At best, you'll get the exact city in which the user of the IP is located. For an exact physical address you would need to contact the ISP (Internet Service Provider) of the IP address in question. However, without a police warrant, or some sort of legal document forcing the ISP to turn over the information, don't expect them to give you the mailing address of the user that was assigned the IP at the time you received the offensive email, or other means of offensive / questionable communication from said IP. The best you can do in this case is to file a complaint with the ISP and forward them all of the information from the questionable / offensive communication regarding the complaint. If you have any questions about the IP Address Lookup tool or the results, please check out our IP Address Lookup Forum.
For a more thorough definition of IP Address Lookup, please refer to the definition article at Wikipedia.

The IP Address Lookup tool also referred to as IP Lookup, Lookup IP, Lookup IP Address, IP Address Location, IP Location, and IP Locator is designed to give you an idea of where your IP Address or the IP Address you lookup is located. This tool is not 100% accurate due to many different factors. Some of those factors include where the owner of the IP has it registered, where the agency that controls the IP is located, proxies, cellular IPs, etc. If you are in the US and the controlling agency of the IP is located in Canada, chances are the IP address lookup results will show as Canada. Showing a Canadian IP while in the US is very common among Blackberry users on the Verizon network.
The results of this IP Address Lookup utility include the IP Address, City, Host Name, Region / State, Postal / Zip Code, Country Name, Country Code, Time Zone, Longitude, Latitude, ISP, Domain Name, Net Speed, and IP Decimal.
Often, people think if they perform and IP address lookup, that they are going to find the physical mailing address of the user assigned the IP in question. This is simply not true. At this time, we are not aware of any IP address database that will give you the exact physical postal address of the IP address you lookup. At best, you'll get the exact city in which the user of the IP is located. For an exact physical address you would need to contact the ISP (Internet Service Provider) of the IP address in question. However, without a police warrant, or some sort of legal document forcing the ISP to turn over the information, don't expect them to give you the mailing address of the user that was assigned the IP at the time you received the offensive email, or other means of offensive / questionable communication from said IP. The best you can do in this case is to file a complaint with the ISP and forward them all of the information from the questionable / offensive communication regarding the complaint. If you have any questions about the IP Address Lookup tool or the results, please check out our IP Address Lookup Forum.
For a more thorough definition of IP Address Lookup, please refer to the definition article at Wikipedia.

Label: Jaringan
1 Comment:
- Anonim said...
27 Oktober 2011 pukul 19.54koq ga ada penjelasannya....
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