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Download VirtualBox
Here, you will find links to VirtualBox binaries and its source code.By downloading, you agree to the terms and conditions of the respective license.
- VirtualBox platform packages. The binaries are released under the terms of the GPL version 2.
- VirtualBox 4.1 for Windows hosts x86/amd64
- VirtualBox 4.1 for OS X hosts x86/amd64
- VirtualBox 4.1.0 for Linux hosts
- VirtualBox 4.1 for Solaris hosts x86/amd64
- VirtualBox 4.1 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack All platforms
Support for USB 2.0 devices, VirtualBox RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards. See this chapter from the User Manual for an introduction to this Extension Pack. The Extension Pack binaries are released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL).
Please install the extension pack with the same version as your installed version of VirtualBox! If you are using VirtualBox 4.0.12, please download the extension pack here.
- VirtualBox 4.1 Software Developer Kit (SDK) All platforms
You might want to compare the
to verify the integrity of downloaded packages.
Note: After upgrading VirtualBox it is recommended to upgrade the guest additions as well.
User Manual
The VirtualBox User Manual is included in the VirtualBox binaries above. If, however, you would like to take a look at it without having to install the whole thing, you also access it here:You may also like to take a look at our frequently asked questions list.
VirtualBox older build
The binaries in this section are all released under the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL). By downloading, you agree to the terms and conditions of that license.VirtualBox Source
The VirtualBox sources are available free of charge under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License, Version 2. By downloading from the below links, you agree to these terms and conditions.This is the current development code, which is not necessarily stable.
- Checking out from our Subversion server.
svn co http://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk vbox
This is the current development code, which is not necessarily stable.
Note: The repository was recently moved. If svn update aborts with an error message regarding a moved repository, then dosvn switch --relocate \ http://virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk \ http://www.virtualbox.org/svn/vbox/trunk
Please also take a look at our licensing FAQ, in particular regarding the use of the name VirtualBox.
Pre-built VirtualBox vm's
There are some pre-built vm's designed for developers and the curious over on the Oracle Tech Network site.
Label: Aplikasi
Garuda OS Sistem Operasi Indonesia
Garuda OS Sistem Operasi berbasis Open Source
Puluhan tahun hingga sekarang konsumen Indonesia memiliki ketergantungan terhadap software bajakan. Kini telah lahir sistem operasi lokal bernama Garuda OS. Garuda OS adalah sistem operasi berbasis Open Source kreasi dari pengembang lokal. Garuda menggunakan desktop modern yang menawan dan sangat mudah dipergunakan, bahkan untuk para pengguna yang sudah terbiasa dengan Windows OS. OS ciptaan anak bangsa ini mendukung penggunaan dokumen format SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia). Garuda diklaim sangat aman dari gangguan virus komputer, stabilitasnya tinggi, disertai dukungan bahasa Indonesia dan dilengkapi dengan banyak program dari berbagai macam kategori.Beberapa program aplikasi yang terdapat pada Sistem Operasi Garuda
Program Perkantoran* LibreOffice 3.3 – disertai kumpulan ribuan clipart, kompatibel dengan MS Office dan mendukung format dokumen SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia)
* Scribus – desktop publishing (pengganti Adobe InDesign, Page Maker)
* Dia – diagram / flowchart (pengganti MS Visio)
* Planner – manajemen proyek (pengganti MS Project)
* GnuCash, KMyMoney – program keuangan (pengganti MYOB, MS Money, Quicken)
* Kontact – Personal Information Manager / PIM
* Okular, FBReader – universal document viewer
* Mozilla Firefox 4.0.1, Chromium, Opera – web browser (pengganti Internet Explorer)
* Mozilla Thunderbird – program email (pengganti MS Outlook)
* FileZilla – upload download / FTP
* kTorrent – program bittorrent
* DropBox – Online Storage Program (free 2 Gb)
* Choqok, Qwit, Twitux, Pino – aplikasi microblogging
* Google Earth – penjelajah dunia
* Skype – video conference / VOIP
* Gyachi, Pidgin – Internet messenger
* xChat – program chatting / IRC
* Kompozer, Bluefish – web / html editor (pengganti Dreamweaver)
* Miro – Internet TV
* GIMP – editor gambar bitmap (pengganti Adobe Photoshop)
* Inkscape – editor gambar vektor (pengganti CorelDraw)
* Blender – Animasi 3D
* Synfig, Pencil – Animasi 2D
* XBMC – multimedia studio
* kSnapshot – penangkap gambar layar
* Digikam – pengelola foto digital
* Gwenview – Photo Viewing Client
* Amarok – audio player + Internet radio
* Kaffeine – video / movie player
* TVtime – television viewer
* Audacity – audio editor
* Cinelerra, Avidemux – video editor
* Matematika – aljabar, geometri, plotter, pecahan
* Bahasa – Inggris, Jepang, permainan bahasa
* Geografi – atlas dunia, planetarium, kuis
* Kimia – tabel periodik
* Logika Pemrograman
Administrasi Sistem
* DrakConf – Computer Control Center
* Synaptic – Software Package Manager
* Samba – Windows sharing file
* Team Viewer – remote desktop & online meeting
* Bleachbit – pembersih sistem
* Back in Time – backup restore sistem
Program Bantu
* Ark – program kompres file (pengganti Winzip, WinRar)
* K3b – pembakar CD/DVD (pengganti Nero)
* Dolphin – file manager
* Cairo Dock – Mac OS menu dock
* Compiz Fusion + Emerald
* Emulator DOS + Windows
* 3D Game Maker
* Mahjong, Tetris, Rubik, Billiard, Pinball, BlockOut, Sudoku, Reversi
* Solitaire, Heart, Domino, Poker, Backgammon, Chess, Scrabble
* Frozen Bubble, Flight Simulator, Tron, Karaoke
* City Simulation, Fighter, Doom, Racing, Tremulous FPS
* DJL, Play on Linux, Autodownloader – game manager / downloader
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Label: Sistem Operasi
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